Applied Cyber Security Group

The Applied Cyber Security group belongs to the Chair of Security and Theoretical Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science at University of Tartu.

We perform highly practical research in the field of cyber security, evaluating the security of the technology solutions used in our everyday life. Our focus is especially directed towards solutions with significant public interest that are used in Estonia. This includes electronic identity (e.g., ID cards and Mobile-ID), digital signatures, internet voting and similar topics.

Our aim is to develop our competence to act as an independent authority evaluating the security assurance of technologies, products and services provided by the government, industry and other institutions. We collaborate with industry by reporting our findings under a responsible vulnerability disclosure process. We serve the public by making our research publicly available and sharing our knowledge through various teaching activities.


Teaching and supervision

Our group contributes to the development of new cyber security specialists and researchers by various teaching and supervision activities.

Currently, we are responsible for teaching the following courses:

We supervise BSc and MSc students, and provide supervision of cyber security-related topics in the Research Seminar in Cryptography and Cyber Security (MTAT.07.022).

Potential research topics are listed in the theses topics database.


We have access to various hardware that can be provided to students for experiments and reserch assignments.


Work by people related to our group:

Useful links

We are maintaining:


Our work is being carried out with financial support from the European Social Fund through the IT Academy programme and financial support from the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

Last update on 2025-03-24